If you walked into a bar serving liquor, chances are you’d notice a sign, prominently displayed, warning about the dangers of mixing pregnancy and alcohol. This image typically depicts a pregnant woman holding a glass of wine with a bold X over it, a visual reminder that consuming alcohol during pregnancy can harm her preborn child. 

If you were sitting in a bar having drinks with a friend and noticed a pregnant woman blatantly tossing back cocktails, you may feel concerned and possibly even advocate for some sort of intervention. Yet, in the same outing, you might turn to your friend and lament the banning of abortion without even thinking about it.

Why is it so wrong for a pregnant woman to potentially harm her preborn baby with alcohol, and yet, ending the baby’s life in the womb is ‘acceptable’?


Tim Pool Exposes Pro-Abortion Hypocrisy:

In a recent interview, political commentator and podcast host Tim Pool engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with Lance from The Serfs, a prominent democratic socialist YouTube channel. The topic of abortion emerged, and Lance expressed his belief that a woman should have “the choice” and “ultimate authority over what happens to her body.”

In response, Pool posed a hypothetical scenario: What if a pregnant woman chose to take meth? Lance unequivocally condemned such behavior, acknowledging the harm it could cause to the unborn child.

“If she wants to do meth, what’s the big deal?” Pool asked.

“Uh, the big deal is that it’s – she’s intentionally trying to kill a child,” Lance said.

“Hold on there a minute,” Pool said, and Lance admitted, “Yeah, I see where you’re [going]…” 

Mic drop! The inconsistency between advocating for a woman choosing abortion while condemning her choice to deliberately harm her preborn child was exposed, leaving Lance momentarily speechless.


The Power of Normalcy:

Plenty of intelligent people hold the same opinions expressed by Lance in the interview. Which raises the question, how can anyone hold views that seem like such an outright contradiction?

Why do such outright contradictions occur so often? 

When a particular viewpoint has been ingrained into us from a young age, it becomes second nature, shaping our perceptions and reactions. This is often apart from our awareness. Have you repeatedly been told that abortion is a routine and safe procedure, that a preborn baby is merely a clump of cells devoid of consciousness and sensation? 

It’s understandable in that case that abortion just seems like a fundamental part of life, like getting a root canal. No one wants one, but sometimes it’s a necessity. 

In other words, abortion has become normalized. But does that mean that it is, therefore, the right thing to do? 

Not everything that feels normal is right.

What is Ingrained Becomes Accepted

When a practice has been normalized within a specific culture, as is evident with the abortion movement, gaining an outside perspective helps. Like Lance, who was compelled to reevaluate his perspective from a new angle, seeking an outside stance can offer valuable insights into what you currently believe.

For example: Numerous cultures across the globe provide examples of the practice of coercing young girls into marriages with older men. In many cultures, this has evolved into an ordinary convention that remains unchallenged and deemed permissible solely due to its normalization.

This isn’t right. Yet this is the power of normalization at work. Embracing a practice, regardless of its apparent harm to others, becomes ingrained and accepted.

Know Your Choices

At Choices Pregnancy Centers, we firmly believe in the intelligence and strength of women. We don’t think women need to be victims of circumstances or succumb to the mental conditioning that society may have imposed on us. 

Empowerment lies in understanding the truth. Reach out to us today – either by giving us a call or scheduling an appointment – and let’s engage in a conversation about your options. Our mission is to equip you with the information you need to make a well-informed and rational decision rooted in facts.