Sexually transmitted infections are different that sexually transmitted diseases. STIs are just that, diseases, whereas STDs are viruses. Both, however, can be transferred through sexual activities. 

Although it’s generally possible to cure sexually transmitted infections, there are still many reasons why people should still be concerned about it. One of these is that many people do not know that they have these infections. This means that they are more vulnerable to spreading the virus.

You are also more likely to avoid seeking medical attention if you have a sexually transmitted infection. This means that the infection can stay in your body for a long time. Both men and women can contract these infections when they have sexual contact with individuals with the same condition. Among the four types of sexually transmitted infections are gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. 

  1. Chlamydia Trachomatis

One of the most common types of sexually transmitted infections is chlamydia. Although it can be treated with antibiotics, it can still cause severe and even permanent internal damage if left untreated. Some of the symptoms of this condition include painful urination, a discharge from one’s penis, or rectum, bleeding, and painful intercourse.

Chlamydia can damage various organs, such as the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, increasing the risk of conceiving problems or ectopic pregnancy. It can also cause pain and swelling in the scrotum, and it can infect the prostate gland. If left untreated, this condition can lead to other health issues, such as arthritis. In addition, it can cause eye infections and pneumonia in infants.

  1. Gonorrhea

Like chlamydia, gonorrhea is caused by a specific bacteria. Although it usually doesn’t cause symptoms, it can still cause pain and swelling in the pelvis, as well as painful urination and discharge in the rectum. If left untreated, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body, such as the throat, eyes, and joints. It can also cause skin sores and raise the risk of getting HIV/AIDS.

  1. Syphilis

Another type of bacteria-borne infection, syphilis, starts with a small sore that’s usually ignored. It can then develop into more sores, and a rash may appear a few weeks after the initial one has healed. Wart-like wounds can also appear in the genitals and mouth.

Syphilis can be cured with penicillin, but it can become latent in one’s body if they are not diagnosed. This condition can lead to various health issues, such as damage to the nervous system, heart, liver, and kidneys.

It can also increase one’s chances of getting HIV/AIDS, as well as other health conditions. It can also cause hearing loss, dementia, blindness, and stroke as you get older.

  1. Trichomoniasis

A type of parasite known as trichomoniasis can cause a foul-smelling discharge, burning, and painful urination in women. On the other hand, men can experience painful urination, burning, and itching inside the penis. Having this condition can make it easier for people to contract HIV, as well as increase their chances of getting prostate cancer or cervical cancer.

Treatment and Testing:

The only sure way to prevent sexually transmitted infections is by abstaining from sexual activity. Outside of monogamous, committed relationships, about one in five people have a sexually transmitted disease. 

Another way to prevent sexually transmitted infections is by using a latex condom every time you have intercourse. Although not always reliable, condoms can still provide more protection than not using one.

Getting tested is also important, as many people are not aware that they have an STD. If you have multiple sexual partners or have other risk factors, you should be tested regularly.

If you test positive for any of these conditions, then make sure to get immediate medical attention. The longer the infection lingers in your body, the more it can damage your long-term health. It’s also possible for you to spread the infection to others.

At Choices, we provide low-cost testing for sexually transmitted infections and other conditions. We also offer free pregnancy tests and education about pregnancy and sexual health. Our staff members are passionate about their work and are committed to making sure that every client receives the best possible care. Please call or make an appointment today