When the Israelites finally saw the land God had promised them after wandering in the desert for forty years, they were dismayed. The land was perfect… except for giants. Despite all the miraculous ways God had saved them from Egyptian slavery and protected them, they trusted the evidence of their eyes. They saw tall buildings and a well-fortified city surrounded by thick walls.

They saw giants in the land. 

Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar industry backed by our country’s highest powers. They have received state and federal funding for many decades, as well as significant financial investments and support from the country’s most influential people and institutions. If we look with human eyes, Planned Parenthood seems insurmountable. 

But as Christians, we should expect powerful enemies. God loves stacking the deck against us. He trots out Goliath’s and asks us to stand firm. He does this so that we can learn to trust in Him to save us, not in human methods. That is what we are doing at Choices… and it’s working. 

Planned Parenthood blocked Choices on social media!

Choices can no longer search for Planned Parenthood, nor can we tag them on social media. We recently published a post exposing how much money they are making—and they didn’t like that. In light of Yelp and Googles recent censorship actions, Choices was not surprised by this step, nor were we discouraged. 

What does it mean? 

It means that Planned Parenthood, a multi-billion dollar industry, is threatened by us. We are on their radar. While Choices is growing, we are still a much smaller operation than Planned Parenthood, yet we have gotten their attention. 

They went to the trouble of blocking us! 

What we are doing at Choices might not look like much from a human perspective. We believe that our job is faithfulness amid a pitched battle. We are uncompromisingly biblical and teach and speak a clear and simple truth. We are unashamed of God’s word and law and unafraid to throw five smooth stones into the world. The rest of the work belongs to God. 

Planned Parenthood’s goal is getting women to conform to the world increasingly. They flatter, deceive, seduce, and seek to enslave victims. We preach Christ and Him crucified. We believe that women can find true freedom in Christ alone. 

By God’s grace, it’s working. 

What can you do?

  • Keep up the excellent work! Our eager hope is that we will grow and expand so that we can continue to increasingly provide viable, life-giving options to women in trouble. We want to continue to be even more of a threat to Planned Parenthood. 

If you are already joined with us in our ministry, please continue to keep up this vital work and pray for more ways we can further these ends. 

  • Consider joining Choices! If you are not currently participating in the work we are doing at Choices, we can use you! There are many ways to join us in this important ministry. You can pray for us, partner with us, donate to our work, or volunteer!

Do not be deceived by the appearance of worldly power. Do not fix your eyes on the “giants in the land” but on God’s word and grace. All of their appearance of power is mere froth and air. The weapons and the victory belongs to God. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have questions.